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原創雅思口語節目《3分鐘學雅思》節目結合時事以及主流熱點每期節目控制在3分鐘左右,碎片化學習每周更新一期本期節目話題背景最近,有同學問了這樣一道題“Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work”。說到這個話題,我可得好好跟你聊一下我們公司的守時規定了。守時其實說難不難,但是很多時候又容易被人不重視。我剛入職的時候就有過一次因為沒能守時而被狠狠教育了一頓的經歷。后來我才發現,其實往往越是這樣看似無可厚非的規定,其實越凸顯了一個人甚至一個公司的品性。想知道我們公司對于守時是如何看待的嗎?那就跟我一起往下聽聽吧。無薪停工兩天,從員工的角度來講其實可能很多人都會覺得是不是做的有點過了,但其實從公司的角度來講,這樣做反而更能讓長記性,遵守規定。本期節目主持人:Sylvia本期Part 2 話題Describe a rule that is important in your school or at workYou should say:What the rule is aboutWhat happens when people break the ruleWhy you think it is an important ruleAnd explain how you feel about the rule3分鐘學雅思第十一季 Episode 4本期節目話題參考文本作者:StephenOnepivotalrule in my workplace that plays a crucial role in maintaining a harmonious and productive environment is the punctuality policy. This policy emphasizes the significance of arriving on time for all scheduled commitments, be it meetings, project deadlines, or daily work hours.Adherenceto punctuality is not merely aformalitybut a reflection of professionalism and respect for colleagues' time. The organization places a premium on the efficient use of time, recognizing it as a finite resource. This rule ensures that all employees contribute to a culture of reliability and dependability, fostering a positive work atmosphere. Not adhering to the work place punctuality policy will result in a two-day suspension without pay.Punctuality is particularly significant during meetings, where collaboration and decision-making occur. Arriving on time demonstrates a commitment to the team and facilitates the smooth flow of discussions. Additionally, meeting deadlines is critical to project success, ensuring that tasks progress seamlessly and overall objectives are met.In essence, the punctuality policy is a cornerstone of our workplace ethos, promoting discipline and organizational effectiveness. It goes beyond a mere guideline, becoming a shared value that contributes to the success andcohesionof our professional community.Words & expressions in this episode1. pivotal adj. 中樞的,關鍵的2. adherence n. (尤指對規則、信念等的)遵守,堅持3. formality n. (性質)正式,正式性;4. cohesion n. 凝聚力,團結外教原聲音頻? END ?想要了解更多語言學習留學與藝術留學相關問題關注新航道官方服務號獲取更多內容微信公眾號 ▌ 新航道官方服務號新浪微博 ▌ @新航道編輯 | Tangwy圖片來源 | 新航道你的好友拍了拍你并請你幫她送個花花